TrustOnline is operated by Registry Trust and provides access to the official statutory Register of Judgments, Orders, and Fines for England and Wales on behalf of the Ministry of Justice. TrustOnline also provides access to the Registers for Scotland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, and the Republic of Ireland by agreement with the authorities in those jurisdictions.
It is the only service which provides members of the public and businesses with immediate access to search the complete public Registers. TrustOnline has enabled more than one hundred thousand customers to check for CCJ debts registered through the courts of the UK and the Republic of Ireland. They have the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have searched the official statutory Register.
You do not need the permission of the individual or company you want to search in order to undertake a search of the Register, and the service does not leave a footprint of the search once it has been completed.
The TrustOnline website also features 'help topics' answering frequently asked questions. You can also follow TrustOnline on Facebook and LinkedIn for regular useful updates about CCJs, credit scores and more.
Bulk Data Files
Organisations or individuals can purchase a bulk volume of the raw data appearing on our Register (Bulk Data Files) dating back six years. We can provide anything from specific extracts through to complete Registers. The data can be split by geographical registers and consumer or commercial. There is six years’ worth of historical data available.
Typically the type of customers who take the bulk data files are those who require the data daily for credit reports or those who produce large volumes of due diligence/risk assessment reports for both themselves and for their own customers.
If you are interested in purchasing a bulk data file please send an email to business@trustonline.org.uk with the following information regarding the usage of the data:
-Is the data for your own use or for resale?
-What is the product or service in which the judgment data will be used?
-If you are using the data as part of a customer product, annually how many reports will you be producing?
-We can provide up to six years of historical data. How many years will you need?
-We can provide information for England & Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Which of these jurisdictions are you interested in?
-We provide Consumer, Corporate and Non-Corporate data. Which type are you interested in?
-What information are you planning to use, or resell (e.g. Yes/No indicator, full details including name, address, date and value, etc)
-Will you require the updates files daily, monthly or quarterly?
Special Request
Looking to identify potential customers? We can provide details of individuals and organisations to help identify potential customers, at a time when they may need debt management advice and services.
Each record contains the defendant’s name and address, the date of judgment and the amount of the award and, where available, the court name and case number. We do not hold phone numbers, email addresses, data concerning the nature of the case or the name of the claimant.
Selections are made by postal area and you can choose one or more of the following groups:
-Consumer: Judgments against individuals e.g. John Smith
-Corporate: Judgments against companies with a corporate suffix such as Ltd or Plc
-Non-Corporate: Trading styles, partnerships and sole traders e.g. John Smith trading as ABC Taxis
Selections can be tailored by record value, and choose whether you take the data files daily or weekly.
The data is supplied electronically via a download facility from our website. The downloaded file is in a .CSV format. The data is charged per record supplied and a non-refundable set up charge is required.
Please contact us at business@registry-trust.org.uk or visit the TrustOnline website for further information.
Aggregated Datasets
Registry Trust publishes anonymised information from the England, Wales, and Scotland Registers through RT View, which can be explored free of charge for non-commercial use. These Aggregated Datasets provide information on the number and value of unmanaged debts based on all money judgments registered in the courts of England and Wales for each year since 2001 and since 2008 for Scotland. This provides a comprehensive and consistent view of indebtedness across the UK and the annual snapshots enable important changes in debt levels to be identified and future trends predicted.
This initiative directly supports the Government's plans for freeing valuable data and making it widely available under the Open Data agenda. As a key source of debt information there is considerable interest in accessing the data for an ever widening range of commercial applications. Additionally, researchers, planners and policy makers recognise the importance of having measures of indebtedness to support the development of better public services and promoting economic and social growth.
The data is accessed which enables users to create and export maps to meet their own particular requirements.
RT View enables users to analyse the Registers, tailored to their specific areas of interest, exploring the values and numbers of judgments for consumers and businesses by geographic location through interactive mapping software. The identity of consumers and businesses on the Register is fully protected.
The data used within RT View is part of a larger series of datasets. These have been produced at different levels of geography consistent with ONS standards and a range of comparable aggregated datasets at the following levels:
-Region 13 areas
-Local Authority 408 areas
-Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) 7,205 areas
-Electoral Wards 9,468 areas
-Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) 34,753 areas
-Output Area 175,434 areas
The datasets are available by category of debtor:
-Consumer Individuals
-Commercial Corporate, non-corporate
-All combined Consumer, corporate and non-corporate
-Corporate Limited or Plc companies
-Non-Corporate Sole traders or self employed
The following aggregations have been included for each type of debt:
-Total number of Judgments
-Total value of Judgments
-Average value of Judgments
-Number of CCJs with a value less than £250
-Number of CCJs with a value less than £500
-Number of CCJs with a value less than £1,000
-Number of CCJs with a value greater than £1,000
The full aggregated datasets can also be supplied under licence to enable the information to be combined with other datasets for research or commercial applications. Please contact us at business@registry-trust.org.uk for further information.
Since 2006 Registry Trust has operated the Nicesheriffs system where we allocate sealed Writs to a high court enforcement officer to take the appropriate action to recover monies owed.
For more information on Writs of Control or Writs of Possession check out our Learn Page.
Employment Tribunal FastTrack
Since 2010, Registry Trust has operated the Fast Track enforcement system which enables unpaid tribunal and ACAS awards to be easily allocated to a high court enforcement officer to take the appropriate action to recover monies owed.
For more information on the Employment Tribunal FastTrack check out our Learn Page