You should receive a court summons explaining the details of a judgment which will provide you with the opportunity to dispute it.
You may not receive the court summons if you have moved address and have not notified the plaintiff.
Once the judgment has been granted details are submitted to Registry Trust for inclusion on the public register.
We will contact you by letter, using the information provided to us by the court, to let you know that a judgment is due to go on to the register.
If the judgment is paid within a calendar month of the judgment date and proof of payment is provided to us, we will remove the judgment.
The Register for Guernsey contains details of monetary judgments submitted in the Petty Debts and Royal Courts of Guernsey.
The information appearing on the Register is as follows:
- court name
• name and address of defender
• date and amount of judgment (excluding costs)
• details of ‘satisfaction’ once Registry Trust has been provided with proof of payment
The information sent to us by the Guernsey Courts does not contain date of births and so we do not hold this information for Guernsey Judgments.
We do not hold or make publicly available Plaintiffs details, but these can be obtained from the relevant Guernsey Court.
Judgments stay on the public register for six years unless dismissed, recalled or cancelled.
Any judgment showing on our public register is also sent to the credit reference agencies for inclusion on their files.
For more information on how to satisfy a judgment click here.